Corn fields at sunrise.

DrupalCorn is an annual Drupal Camp in Iowa. Two years ago Nate & I were invited to be Keynote speakers and talk to their attendees about Backdrop CMS, which at the time, had not yet been released.

Two years later, I returned to the camp and gave a training on how to use the now stable and full-featured CMS. The students were impressed how much Backdrop had changed since then. In particular, they loved the usability improvements that were added in 1.3, and the new feel for the administration theme added in 1.2.

Backdrop was a huge hit! Almost immediately after the workshop ended, we received new pull requests from our newest fans. Thank you Angela McMahon for jumping right in!

Sunday was a sprint day, as is often the case on the last day of Drupal Camp. During the sprint several people focused on applying the recent changes in Drupal version 7.50, but my favorite part of the day was when I got to see Backdrop CMS running on the OpenShift container platform. (Though the donuts were quite good, too.)

OpenShift is cloud hosting infrastructure similar to Pantheon and It's built on proven open source technologies, and is available either as a service or to run on your own hardware. OpenShift uses containers and works directly with the Docker API, so by leveraging the official Backdrop CMS Docker image we had to take only a few daunting steps forward. A special thank you to John VanDyk for fighting servers all day (esp when they were down for maintenance).

Keep your ears open for more about Backdrop + OpenShift in the future.