Backdrop CMS is one month away from our 25th on-time release, version 1.24.0. Every 4 months, we release a new version which brings with it new improvements and features to Backdrop CMS. Feature freeze is scheduled for Jan 1, 2023 and the release will be on Jan 15th. In the final weeks of each release cycle, there is a frenzy of activity and we try to get new improvements finalized and approved. 

If you have contributed to Backdrop CMS core in the past or have plans to do so in the future, now is a great time to lend us a hand. We've asked members of the community to identify the issues that they would most like to see get some attention in the final weeks of this development cycle. Here are the issues they have identified as most needing some attention - testing, feedback, code reviews, or additional work on the code (up to 3 issues per person).

We may be scheduling some virtual sprints this month to help move these issues forward. Watch our events page for sprint opportunities or office hours.

We will be updating this list periodically through the release of 1.24.0. Please, contact us in Zulip if you would like to add your own issues to this list. 

Individual Priorities (Max 3 per person)

Justin Keiser

1) ....

Jen Lampton

1) Issue #647Field group functionality in core - Needs testing and feedback

Olaf Grabienski

1) Issue #4052Flexible layout templates: Allow custom ID for rows - Needs PR

2) Issue #2658 - CKEditor: Allow Image Styles to be used with inline images - Needs PR

Greg Netsas (@klonos)

1) Issue #5348[D8] Allow forms to set custom validation error messages on required fields - Was RTBC, but now needs additional work.

Tim Erickson (@stpaultim)

1) Issue #5791 - Provide a list of "Enabled Modules" somewhere to help with debugging - Needs testing and code review

2) Issue #5523Display container style on rows in flexible layout template builder - Needs code review

Laryn Kragt Bakker (@laryn)

1) Issue #3245 - [UX] Hide "Run Database Updates" / next steps if there are no next steps - Has PR. Needs testing and feedback.

Martin (@yorkshire-pudding)

1) Issue #4320[UX] Updates via the UI: Do not take the site out of maintenance mode if there are db updates pending - Needs PR

2) Issue #3245 - Hide "Run Database Updates" / next steps if there are no next steps - PR needs work

Robert Lang (@bugfolder)

1) Issue #5273 — Nested contextual links triggers sometimes unreachable — needs review and testing (is a candidate for 1.22)

2) Issue #5491 — Simpletest semi-silently ignores wrong file paths in file — needs code review


1) Issue #5624 - Updated welcome message to help folks find the Dashboard - Needs clarification about status

2) Issue #2709Admin bar: Consider replacing the home button with a "Back to site" button


PR = Pull request

NOTE: These issues or proposed solutions have not been endorsed by the core team. They are simply the issues that individuals in the community would like you to look at and weigh in on - inclusion on this list does not mean that these issues will necessarily be accepted into core.