UberCart: Ecommerce for Backdrop CMS

Ubercart logo with image of drop the dragon, the Backdrop CMS mascot.

Ubercart is dead!

Long Live UBERCART!!!!

eCommerce is one of the driving forces behind a successful webshop and Ubercart in its day was one of the best shopping cart solutions around.

Unfortunately, the developers decided to move away from Ubercart and created Drupal Commerce which took the resources away from Ubercart and its slow demise set in.

Backdrop 1.25 Released!

The Backdrop community is proud to announce version 1.25 of Backdrop CMS, which was released as scheduled on May 15, 2023. As part of our commitment to deliver the most usable product, "minor" releases come out three times a year, on a regular schedule. This allows site maintainers to know when to expect updates, and they can plan accordingly. (See https://backdropcms.org/releases for more information on this)

Version 1.25 includes a number of enhancements which improve the usability of Backdrop CMS, including these new features:

OpenForce 2022 Update

Screen shot of list of OpenForce 2022 issues on Github

OpenForce 2022 participants should start with this blog post.

It's really been great to see all the OpenForce 2022 participants in our issue queue over the last two weeks. We have three issues that have been committed to Backdrop already, with two more that are already RTBC (ready to be committed), and quite a few that are under review or being worked on. 

Backdrop official chat switches to Zulip

The community has been using Gitter as our official chat for many years now, but the influx of new community members over the last year, and the ever-increasing surge of activity has made it hard for us to keep up with discussions.

Don't Panic

Introducing Backdrop CMS, a fork of Drupal.

Backdrop is intended to be a platform for developers and users of Drupal who might be thinking about adopting other platforms after evaluting Drupal 8. The goal of the Backdrop project is to provide shiny new features built on an iteration of the existing Drupal 7 APIs: before Symfony, PSR-0, and the "Drupal Kernel" were introduced.

Backdrop 1.5 released

Backdrop 1.5 is a release packed with new features and an all-new out-of-box experience! A new default theme -- "Basis", drop-down menus, a homepage layout, demo content, and hero block provide a fresh take on the fundamentals of a modern day content management system.
