Albany Hosting

Professional website hosting.

We specialise in hosting personal and small business websites.

We use 100% enterprise grade SSD's (Solid State Drives) for reliable storage and faster display of your website.

We have three server platforms optimised for Linux, Windows and WordPress websites giving your website visitor the best possible experience.

Our multi-server platform technology allows us to power your website on an auto scaling server farm for true website resilience and enhanced web page delivery speed.


One click installation of a new Backdrop CMS site on a managed server specifically configured to host Backdrop CMS sites. Simplo provides all the maintenance, updates, training and support for users that want to get started quickly. Simplo works exclusively with Backdrop CMS and provides an entire library of screencasts and tutorials available to the public. 


innodus is a multidisciplinary consulting provider implementing technologies and publishing services, groupware, CRM, SEO and eCommerce, using open source development tools, on SMEs and professional services.


Cost-effective, easy-to-use and fully managed Drupal, Backdrop and Wordpress hosting platform with 99.9% uptime, 24x7 support, automatic updates and more. We support Backdrop since October, 2014.

You can find the list of Backdrop add-ons that AltaGrade team has been developing, contributing and/or maintaining on


alwaysdata is a modern platform to host all your services in one place: files, emails, sites, media, databases, workers, etc. On Public Cloud (from 0€) or on Private Cloud (managed servers), enjoy many benefits: automatic backups, automatically generated certificates (your website is instantly available over HTTPS), increased performance and security.

Interactive Eagles

We are a small Australian company, just 2 of us, John in Melbourne Vic, and Irene in Denmark WA.

Between us we have many decades of web development work for small and larger organisations. We've worked with Drupal since 2004.

In 2017 we began recommending Backdrop CMS to some of our clients. We are greatly enjoying working with it. 

We have a number of long term ongoing projects being incrementally delivered in Backdrop CMS.

We can work from step one where the website is just a concept in your mind.


Supercharged Backdrop hosting for maximum speed, performance and reliability. Our hosting platform comes with everything you need to build and manage super-fast Backdrop sites quickly and easily - incl. 1-click install app.
