Radish Concepts

We are Radish Concepts

Radically improving life with awesome internet solutions.

This is who we are

Richard, Arjan and David have been working on projects together for years. We all have our own expertise and we know how to use it while creating amazing stuff. So why not start a real company? That's how Radish Concepts was born. Learn more about Radish Concepts

This is what we do


innodus is a multidisciplinary consulting provider implementing technologies and publishing services, groupware, CRM, SEO and eCommerce, using open source development tools, on SMEs and professional services.

System Horizons Ltd

I help small to medium businesses and non-profit organisations get the data driven website they need powered by Backdrop CMS.  I can support you through the stages.


With over 7 years working as a Business Analyst on major public sector problems together with working with small businesses and non-profits in my spare time, I have the expertise to help you understand what is needed for your website or web application.

Albany Hosting

Professional website hosting.

We specialise in hosting personal and small business websites.

We use 100% enterprise grade SSD's (Solid State Drives) for reliable storage and faster display of your website.

We have three server platforms optimised for Linux, Windows and WordPress websites giving your website visitor the best possible experience.

Our multi-server platform technology allows us to power your website on an auto scaling server farm for true website resilience and enhanced web page delivery speed.



Developing web applications doesn't need to be hard. Tandem believes in a transparent development process that simplifies difficult decisions by selecting from best-in-breed technologies.

Whether it's creating your newest marketing site with an easy-to-use CMS (content management system) or making the first prototype of your new web application, Tandem is here to be your partner in development.

Triplo LLC

  • Drupal 6/7 to Backdrop CMS upgrades
  • Hosted Backdrop CMS sites
  • Custom development
  • Regular contributor


Komosion specialises in the development of customer-centric strategy and the delivery of channel solutions which combine digital technologies and traditional approaches. We have more than 80 clients drawn from across most sectors of the Australian economy including travel and leisure, finance and banking, manufacturing, government, health, education and not for profit, and operate out of Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane with a core team of more than 30 people.

Palante Technology Cooperative

Palante Technology Cooperative works to help progressive nonprofit organizations move forward with the aid of technology. We come to this work with technical expertise, a deep understanding of the particular needs of community organizations, and a longstanding commitment to working for social justice.

SynapticBlue Inc.

I help individuals and organizations leverage powerful Open Source tools to accomplish their goals. From adding a slideshow to an existing site or porting a large proprietary app, I have helped organizations manage their web presence better with sophisticated solutions that are are easy to use. Contact me and let's talk about your goals and what kinds of options are suited for you! http://synapticblue.com/contact

LarsDesigns Information Systems Inc.

By using the magical combination of open source technologies and the powerful CMS, LarsDesigns Information Systems Inc. is able to produce the highest quality software applications and computer information systems, while maintaining a low cost of ownership.

We focus on quality and listen very carefully to the needs of our clients with an emphasis on pushing their aspirations forward. Remain free from vendor lock-in by choosing open source technologies.
