Introducing Kalabox for Warpspeed Backdrop Development

Stardate 47634.44: We’ve encountered the Backdrop CMS, and found it to be the fastest way to make a flexible and modern website. Using the code and concepts we know from Drupal 7, it optimizes web development for 2016.

However, we are perplexed why our development workflows are still archaic and barbaric. To right this wrong, we must violate the Prime Directive and bring technology from the future.

Kalabox. Engage.

Herb v/d Dool (@herbdool) Joins Backdrop CMS Core Committers!

Add herbdool to core committers

We're excited to have Herb v/d Dool (also known as simply @herbdool on GitHub) join the Backdrop CMS Core Committers team! During the tremendous effort put in by Herb during the Backdrop 1.11.0 release (and before), I noticed again and again how Herb was providing thoughtful, helpful feedback in the Backdrop issue queue. I took the suggestion to make him a core committer to the Backdrop PMC, who approved my suggestion unanimously.

Life as a Backdrop CMS core committer

Man on lounge with laptop

When I was first approached about being a Backdrop CMS core committer, I was both humbled and more than a little scared. I'm extremely grateful to the PMC for having the confidence in me to offer me this role in the community, but the amount of responsibility they were handing over made me a bit hesitant. Could I do this? What if I made mistakes? What did they expect of me time-wise? This article aims to pull back the curtain and show how easy (and rewarding) it is to be a Backdrop core committer.

Help wanted - finalizing Backdrop CMS 1.21.0

Backdrop CMS is about 45 days away from our 22nd on-time release, version 1.21.0. Every 4 months, we release a new version which brings with it new improvements and features to Backdrop CMS. Feature freeze is scheduled for January 1, 2022 and the release will be on Jan 15th. In the final weeks of each release cycle, there is a frenzy of activity and we try to get new improvements finalized and approved. 

Pantheon + Terminus + Drush + Backdrop CMS Development Workflow

Use case: Develop Backdrop sites and be able to continuously deploy patches, updates and features cleanly and easily on Pantheon. We, the Backdrop Community, hope to offer Backdrop local drush out of the box in the near future, but for now here are the steps to get you going on Pantheon, Terminus, Drush and Backdrop CMS right now!

Install Backdrop CMS with terminus:
