Backdrop CMS at the Twin Cities Drupal Camp (and security + affordability)

Twin Cities Drupal Camp group photo

This year at the Twin Cities Drupal Camp there was a full-day Backdrop CMS training workshop to kick off the event. As opposed to previous workshops on Backdrop, the students in this class were primarily decision makers - those responsible for deciding whether Backdrop was suitable for their new projects, existing sites, entire departments, or website development shops. It would appear that it is finally time to start making decisions about the future!

Backdrop Contribution Day - April 20, 2019

This weekend Jen Lampton will be working with a group of high school students, in the Oakland area, on contributing to Backdrop CMS. In support of these efforts, we have decided to announce an informal Backdrop CMS contribution day. If you are a supporter of the Backdrop project and have been looking for an opportunity to contribute, Saturday would be a great opportunity to jump in and help us with a task, regardless of where you are. 

Sun & SAND & Backdrop CMS

San Diego Drupal Camp group photo

Last week Nate & I headed down to beautiful San Diego to participate in the San Diego Drupal Camp. San Diego is a fantastic place to visit in February, when most of the country is experiencing the bitter cold of winter. The locals pointed out that it wasn’t actually all that nice out, because “some people need to wear socks!”

Drupal Camp LA 2018

Another Drupal Camp LA has come and gone.

To be honest, I wasn't sure it was even going to happen, due to how late in the year it was announced.

But happen it did, and it was great.

I didn't go to many sessions. Instead, I ending up spending most of my time talking with various people about different things. It wasn't necessarily intentional -- that's just the way it worked out.

I did end up attending a few sessions: mostly the ones that involved Backdrop.

Backdrop CMS Mini Camp - Twin Cities, June 6th

Backdrop training

It's time for the first ever Backdrop CMS mini camp! It will taking place in the Twin Cities this year as part of Twin Cities Drupal Camp, 2019.

What is a mini-camp, you ask?

In this case, we're calling it a mini-camp, because it's a one day event, full of Backdrop CMS related sessions. It's scheduled on training/summit day at Twin Cities Drupal Camp. It's like a camp within a camp. It's a mini camp!
